How to Prepare for Virtual Board Meetings

How to Prepare for Virtual Board Meetings

Virtual board meetings are becoming more frequent in a variety of organizations. However, they have their own set of issues. Virtual meetings require a different organizational level than traditional meetings, and the technology may be an ongoing learning curve. Following a few simple guidelines can assist boards in making the transition.

The first step is to ensure that all participants are provided with the appropriate tools. This includes the right equipment, which must have been tested prior to the meeting, and an internet connection that is stable. Board members should prepare for the meeting in advance by reviewing their documents and preparing for any discussions they might have.

It is also important that everyone is aware of the proper manners of virtual meetings. This includes being respectful of others in attendance as well as not interrupting the conversation and being mindful of the fact that people aren’t able to see facial expressions or body language. It is also crucial to shut off the microphone when not in use and to stay clear of background noise or distractions. Board members should be urged to make their offices camera-ready by removing any personal items or distracting objects from view.

In addition, it is essential to keep the meeting on schedule and to avoid overfilling the agenda with lengthy discussion topics that could disrupt the focus. Also, it is essential to allow for breakout discussions when the moderator gauges that there is a lack of participation the main discussion. Additionally, it is essential to make sure all of the relevant issues are dealt with and that the entire meeting is recorded for future review.

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